The 1st Great Lumley Scout Group is a popular and active Scout Group, containing a Beaver Scout section, Cub Scout section and Scout section. The group also partners with the District Explorer Scout Unit and a sub-unit operates at Great Lumley.
Unfortunately, demand for child places at the group exceeds what we can currently offer, as most of our sections are currently full and we have a waiting list for the Beavers, Cubs and Scout sections. If you are a parent who would like your son or daughter to join our popular group, we advise you to register them on the waiting list at the earliest opportunity.
We are always looking for adults who wish to train to become a leader to deliver exciting and adventurous programmes for young people, or would like to volunteer in other ways. Please contact Allyson, our Group Scout Leader to discuss opportunities available.
Why not have a look at the new parents guide to Scouting?